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Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Inks (take two).

Earlier today I ordered up some UT14 inks from inksupply.com. Paul Roark writes about using these to dedicated an Epson Stylus Photo 1400 printer to black-and-white printing. His site is a wealth of information - but a little overwhelming for a beginner.

After asking the guys on Yahoo some questions (because MIS doesn't answer email reliably) I ordered $250 in inks and accoutrements:

As usual, a little bit of searching on photo.net will find you every opinion you want - e.g "Stick with Epson inks or you are bound to be sorry.". On the other hand a bunch of the guys on Yahoo are using MIS inks very happily.

So, I dunno how it'll go. But either way you can be sure I'll be bitching about it here.